Wed. Feb 19th, 2025

Records of the Town of Wilmot

Records of the Town of Wilmot (Canso): Part I

Thanks to Peggy Feltmate for transcribing, typing and submitting this document This transcription originally appeared on the Guysborough County Genweb Project site which was managed by the late Patricia Lumsden. Along with a number of other excellent resources, this transcription can still be viewed there:

Quarter Sessions for Wilmot (Canso)
Held at NSARM (the public archives of Nova Scotia)
Call number: RG 34 – 311 (P.5)

[words that are unclear will appear in square brackets with a question mark.
Also any transcriber’s comments will also appear in square brackets.
Spellings are given exactly as they appear in the original document.
For the most part, monetary amounts are not given in this transcription.
Where a monetary figure appeared you will see a series of dots………..
The transcriber worked from a photocopy.]

Records of the Town of Wilmot Canso

The First Town meeting held at Wilmot Canso on Monday April 7th 1828

Mr Abraham Whitman being called to the Chair, the following Resolutions were put and carried

That the sum of Ten pounds be assessed on the Parish for the maintainance of the Poor.

That the following persons be recommended to serve as Town Officers for the present year, which being confirmed of May Term –

Surveyors of HighWays

Reuben Colquhoun [and] Thomas Herring for Canso Island
Spenny Whitman from meeting house to Publicovers
Samuel Kirby from the meeting house to Foleys hill
Edward Dobbins from Foleys hill to Anthony Selffs
David Dobson from Anthony Selfs to Crow harbor
Charles Brodie from the SE Bridge to the district line
James Sangster New Harbor
William DeMings – Whitehead
Joseph Gammon – Torbay
George Tanner Cole harbour
Charles Le Blanc Molasses harbour

Special Constables

Charles Brodie, William Bedford, David Dobson,
Michael Corcoran, Spinney Whiteman, Thomas [Heowsel?],
Evan McPherson, George Tanner, Moses Bears, Peter Publicover

Petit Constables

John Myers, John Carter, William Fogerty, Philip Quirk,
William Horton [Sr?], John Bigelow, Dennis Heffernan, Edward McDonald,
Michael Roach, Robert Spears, Philip Webber, Lewis Uloth, Isaiah O’Hara

Harbour Masters

Charles Brodie, John Ehler Crow Harbor
Michl Corcoran, George Carr, John Grant, Fox Island
Isaiah Horten, Canso tittle, Spinney Whitman Canso
Reuben Colquhoun & Samael Mathews, Canso Islands
Evan McPherson White head
Overseer of Salmon Fishery at New harbor, Benjamin Kirby
Town Clerk – Edward Langley Esquire

Surveyors of Lumber

James Hamilton for Canso
Alexander Horton for Crow harbor
Moses Bears for New Harbor

Inspectors of Dry & Pickled Fish

Charles Brodie, Robert M Cutler Esq, Dennis Heffernan,
Thomas Cole, Isaiah O’Hara, John DeMings, Charles Gollacher,
William Wallace, Benjamin Bears, Edward McDonald

Inspectors of Barrels, Staves & Hoops –

George Shrider, Mathew Hutchison & Dennis Heffernan

Overseers of the Poor

Abraham Whitman, Spinney Whitman, David Bears, and Peter Publicover

Collectors of Poor & County Rates

David Dobson, from the district line to Indian Cove including Whitehead
David Kirby – New Harbor
Joseph Richards – Torbay etc
Assessors of Poor & County Rates

Abraham Whitman, Evan McPherson, David Bears, Spinney Whitman,
Alexander Horton, Moses Bears, James Nickerson, Jesse Nickerson
for New Harbor, Lewis Uloth, Edward Harrigan, Charles Richards
& George Tanner for Torbay etc etc
Thomas Hearn Collector of Poor & County Rates from Indian Cove to Black duck cove
including the Town of Wilmot & Canso Islands
Abraham Whitman Clerk of the Market
James Heffernan [Gauger?]

Abraham Whitman Registered Mark of his Sheep
Half crop under the right Ear
[each crop mark is illustrated in the margin]
Sept 22, By order of the Majistrates, the Pound for Cattle was established in Wilmot

April 5th
William Horton H I Cove Registered His Mark for Cattle
Half crop under the Right & left ear

1830 [has been overwritten in darker ink with 47]
[the name and place has been overwritten with a darker ink to read:]
James [Ohearn or Ohara?] [Crow or Canso] Tittle
Registered His mark for Cattle
Left ear slit right Ear croped

April 5th
Anthony Selff Bay Shore
Registered His Mark for Cattle
Half crop under the left & a hole in the right Ear

April 16th
David Dobson Half Island Cove
Registered His mark for Cattle
Crop on the left slit in the right

May 10th
William Meades Bay Shore
Registered His mark for Cattle
Hole in the right & Hole in the left


Agreeable to Notices a Town Meeting was held on Monday the 6th day of April 1829 –

Patrick Lanigan Esquire being proposed took the chair

On examination of the Collectors returns it was proposed that the following delinquents be sued
William Kelly, Thomas [Quan? Quain? Quara?],
Philip [Okourke? ORourke?], John Feltmate, John Sheills,
Henry Snow, Jacob Snow, William McKenzie & Patrick Power.

Widow Lamb being the only person of the Parish needful of support,
tenders were received from James Fitzgerald, John Myers and others,
when the tender of James Fitzgerald for Eight Pounds was agreed to.

Also the sum of three pounds was voted him for her past support.

Upon the application of Christian Snider for the Sum of Ten pounds,
for the support of Henrietta Lowrey,
resolved unanimously from information,
that the said Henrietta Lowrey does not in any wise belong to the Parish of Wilmot,
and from which no support should be granted;
That the Overseers of the Poor be instructed to defend an Action
should any be brought on account of the same,

Resolved – That the sum of Twelve pounds ten shillings be assessed for the support of the Poor for the present year.

Resolved that Hogs be allowed to run at large if rung with a ring
known by the name of the parliament ring or otherwise liable to be taken up by the Hogreave,
and treated with as the law directs.
Hogreaves John Foley, John Hutchison, & William Horton.

Resolved that a sum not exceeding fifteen shillings be paid out of the Poor rates
to purchase a Book to keep the records of the Town of Wilmot.

Resolved that the sum of fifteen shillings be paid out of the Poor rates
to James Hamilton for the use of his House for the holding of this meeting and the meeting of 1828.

Resolved that the plan produced by E. Langley Esquire for building a Jail in the Town of Wilmot was agreed to.

Town Officers was then chosen to be recommended to the Court of which the following were appointed by a return received by the Clerk of the Peace.

Overseers of Highways –

James Hamilton from the meeting house to Publicovers
William Bears from ditto to Foleys Hill
Anthony Selff from thence to Snows old place
Thomas Cole for the Islands
David Dobson from Snows old place to Philip Harbor Brook
Charles Brodie from thence to the township line
Evan McPherson for Whitehead

Overseers of the Poor

Peter Publicover, Charles Brodie, William Bedford,
David Bears , Edward Langley Esquire

Assessors of County Rates

George Norris Esquire, Charles Brodie, David Dobson,
Spinney Whitman, and Lewis Uloth

Abraham Whitman, Alexnd Horton & Charles Brodie

Inspectors of Staves, Hoops & Barrels
Alexander Horton, Mathew Hutchison

James Dickey, James Kennedy, James Fitzgerald, Thomas Dort,
Wall Williams, John Rhinold, Tristum Coffin.

Special Constables
Evan McPherson, Anthony McKenzie, Alexander Horton,
Spinney Whitman

Harbour Masters
Edward Langley Esquire Canso
Anthy McKenzie & Alexander Horton – Crow Harbor
Thomas Heron & Samuel Kirby for the Islands & Tittle
Charles Brodie Clerk of the market Crow Harbor
George Norris Esq – Clerk of the market – Canso
Edward Langley Esquire Town Clerk

[in a different hand:]
Benjamin Bears Canso tittle
Registered his mark for Cattle
July 7th 1830
Slit in the right ear & half peny in the same above

David Bears Canso Tittle
Registered his mark for Cattle
July 14th 1830
Slit in the left ear & Half penny in the same above

Copy of Letter address’d and forwarded to John Young Esq March 1829

As we residents at Canso alone labour under the disadvantages and feel the want of a Road from thence to Guisborough, and will knowing your readiness to releive us, as far as possible, we take the liberty to observe for your information that the only difficulties on the said Road lay at present in the vicinity of Black Point, on an extent of about five miles, whereon all the money that can be obtained ought to be expended particularly as the road from there is passable and can with the stated labor and licence money be kept in tolerable repair, as further [by leave?] to state that the Commissioners letter has not given satisfaction and as [ neither?] of them at present resides at Canso, or can have any comparative interest in the improving that particular part of the said Road we think we may with propriety urge the appointment of some other person or persons, we therefore recommend Mr David Dobson [Senr?] who resides but a short distance from where the money ought to be expended to be of any advantage to our settlement, and who labours under the want of completion of the said Road – We cannot omit passing on your particular attention that great advantages will arrise to our Settlement when this Road is completed which we cannot expect for some years as the Sum granted is very inadequate, at the same time we feel satisfied that there is no want of Effort, Talent or influence in Behalf of Honorable Sir
Yours much obliged and very humble servants
P Lanigan
E Langley
S Whitman
And others
To John young Esq
Representative for the County of Sydney

Edwd Langely Town Clerk

According to notice given a Meeting was held at Mr Abraham Whitmans on the 21st day of Jany 1830 for the purpose of establishing a School at Canso, when Mr Abraham Whitman was requested to take the Chair –

Resolv’d unanimously that the establishing of a School be highly necessary and that the same be carried into effect by Subscription and not by assessment –

Resolv’d unanimously that Mrss Abraham & [Spencer?] Whitman be the Trustees for the said Schooll –

Resolv’d unanimously that Mrs George Taylor be the Teacher for the said School, and that she be recommended by the Trustees of said School to the Commissioners for a proportion of the Provincial allowance granted for the encouragement of Schools through the [Province? Premier?]

Sign’d – A. Whitman

According to Notice Given a Town Meeting was held at Wilmot Canso at the House of Mr Mathew Hutchison on Monday April 5th 1830

When Mr Abraham Whitman was elected Chairman

Resolved unanimously that upon examination of the colloctors and overseers accounts were perfectly satisfactory also that Peter Publicover be admitted for the maintainance of John [Bearas? Benas? Beras?] a trancient pauper the sum of Five Pounds 7/0. It was agreed by the overseers of the poor there having been made a complaint against James Fitzgerald for not maintaining Mrs Lamb in a proper manner that he shall recieve but Four Pounds, and that Peter Greencorn recieve Four Pounds that being the sum agreed for her support last year, this was also agreed to by the meeeting.
Tenders was then recieved for the support and maintainance of Mrs Lamb for the present year, when Mr Hutchison for Six Pounds Ten shillings being the loweest was agreed to

Upon application of William Snow Senr for support from the Township it was agreed that he was not entitled to any relief but recommended him to the notice of the overseers of the Poor

Upon application for the support of the widow Lowery it was agreed that the resolution entered into last year is also the opinion of the present meeting Resolved That the sum of Fifteen Pounds be raised by assessment for the support of the Poor for the ensuing year

Resolved That Mr Peter Publicover, Mr A. Whitman, Mr Spinney Whitman, Mr Alex Horton & Mr Evan McPherson be overseers of Poor for the ensuing year

Resolved That Mr Abraham Whitman, Edward Langley Esq, William Demings & Charles Brodie be assessors for the present year

Resolved That Abraham Whitman, John Myers & Evan McPherson be Collectors for the present year
Upon motion of Mr Brodie seconded by Geo Norris Esquire for an additional sum of five Pounds be added to the amt assessed for the support of the Poor, Motion [Lost?].
Resolved that the Hog law be carried into effect throughout the Township, but more particularly where Hoggreaves are appointed.

Abraham Whitman

A List of Town Officers for the Township of Wilmot appointed by the Court of General Session of the Peace held at Guysborough in and for the Lower District of the County of Sydney on the 11th May 1830

Overseers of Poor
Abraham Whitman
Peter Publicover
Alex Horton
Spinney Whitman
Evan McPherson

Assesors of Poor & County Rates
Peter Publicover
Abraham Whitman
Charles Brodie
William Demings
Benjamin Polrang

Town Clerk
Edward Langley Esq

Collectors of Poor & C. Rates
Abraham Whitman
John Myers
Evan McPherson

Surveyors of Highways
Spiney Whitman from Publicovers to the meeting house
Rubin Colquhoon from thence to Foleys Hill
William Fogerty from thence to Snows Place
David Dobson from thence to Phillips Harbor
Charles Brodie from thence to the township line
Benjamin Pelrang Tor bay
Evan Mcpherson White Head
Samuel Mathews for the Islands

Special Constables
Charles Brodie
Alex Horton
Speney Whitman
Thos [Hiarn? Hearn? Hiaver? Hianor?] &
Evan Mcpherson

Petit Constables
John Hutchison
Isaac Major
William Fanning
Edwd Lumsden
Isaac Bears
David Dobson [3rd? Sr?] [more likely 3rd –transcriber]
John David
Lewis Uloth

Inspectors of Staves Hoops & Lumber
Alexander Horton & Mathew Hutchison

Harbor Masters
Edwd Langley Esq
Charles Brodie

Clerks of Market
Abraham Whitman &
Charles Brodie

John Hutchison
Trustram Coffin
John Rhinohold

The above officers are hereby required to qualify themselves to serve in their respective office before one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace within fourteen days from the date hereof
Guysborough 14th May 1830
By order of the court
Signed W [P? O?] Heffer nan
Clerk of the Peace
True Copy
E Langley
Town Clerk

Copy of Assessment Rolls as returned to me this 16th day of July 1830
Canso District
[Following are the names only. The transcriber has not included the actual amounts of the County and Poor assessments for each person]

[Waterloo?] Main [Mssrs?] [Keneady? Kenealy?] & Coffery
Fox Island……A [M? W?] Cutler Esq
Moses Choohoon
Benjamin Bears
Thomas Bears
Isaac Bears
Rhuben Cowhoon
James Cowhoon
Prince Cowhoon
Ruben Cowhoon
William Bears
William Horton
Samuel Kirby
James Dickey
John Weeks
Isaac Manger
John McDonald
David Bears
Isaac Whitman
Abraham Whitman
Patrick Delenty
John Oneil Jr
John Rein Carpenter
John Hugh Blksmith
Mathew Hutchison Snr
Mathew Hutchison Jr
John Hutchison
David [Morrison?]
George Norris Esq
Michael Callen
Edw Lumsden
Spiny Whitman
Edw. Langley Esq
Edw. Campben
Robt Robertson
James Hamilton
Patk Lanigan Esq
Michael Dulanty
Francis Kinney
Peter Publicover
Henery Miller – [Dover?]
Henery Miller Senr do
Seward [West?] [Dover?]
James Welsh “
Michael Kavanagh
Patk Dunn [and]
James Qurk Light House
George Oliver
John Oliver
Samuel Oliver
Jeremiah Oniel
John Oniel
Edward Flaherty
David [Heson? Hesra?]
Thomas Cole
Thos Hearn & man
Pat Sulivan
Patk Jusham
Michael Roach
John Foley
Samuel Matthews
Patk Hing
William [Craton? Beaton? Ceaton?]
William Fanning
Thos Henerey
Dennis Heffernan
John Sulivan
James Kieff
[Murphy? Mur filey?] [this appears as if a name, with assessment, but indented]
R M Cutler Canso establmt
Cooks Island [this appears as if a name, with assessment]
Edwd Cunningham
John Forten
Rich Meany
Thos [Harington? Marington? Addarington?]
Richard Cullen
William Davis
James Poor
Richard Dunphy
Michael Hogan
William Heffernan
John Heffernan
Lawrence Hacket
James Smith

Delivered in this hand of Abraham Whitman July 14th 1830
E Langley Town Clerk

Assessment Rolls County
South Bay Shore
[again, transcriber is listing names but not the assessment amounts]
Peter George
James Fitzgerald
George Poor
Valintine Williams
Thos Quan
George Richardson [Jun? Sen?]
James Richardson
John Myers
Ferdinand Myers
David Myers
John Power
William Bedford
William Dobson
Philip [Runk? Rurk?]
Christian Ehler
Valintine Dort
John Feltmate
John Anderson
John Sciels
Curries [David?]
David Knowland
Alexander Horton
Anthony McKenzie
George Smith
William Smith
Charles Brodie
James Campbell
George [Sterns?]
Peter Greencorn
Thos Dort
John Rhynold
Will. Rhynold
Will. McKenzie
David Sciels
John Carter
Robert Sciels
George Snow
Jacob Snow
Henery Snow
William Snow
Geoerge Shrider
Frederick Rinhold
John Hurst
David Dobson Jun
David [A? W?] Dobson
David Dobson Senr
Henery [Harvey?] Rodgers
William Horton
Christian Goldman
Anthony Selff
William Meads
Wm Fogerty
Edw. Dobbins
James Lukeman
James Cunningham
[Mullachie] [this appears as if a name, with assessment, but indented]
John Downey

Signed Charles Brodie
Abraham Whitman
Peter Publicover

Assessment Roll Contd
White Head & Torby
Wm Demings Senr
John Demings
Wm Demings
Tristran Coffin
Evan McPherson
James McDuff
Robert Spears Sr
Robt Spears Jr
Charles Marshall
John Monro Sr
John Monro Jr
Charles Monro
Wm Cashin
Simon Pelrang
Peter David
Mathew David
Solomon David
Alexander Boudro
Peter Boudro
Wm Boudro
George Tanner
Peter Tanner
Lewis Uloth
Edw Harrigan
James Harigan Sr
James Harigan Jr
George Harigan
James Niel
Wm Myer
Thomas Knowland
Wm Gammon
John Polrang
Benj Polrang
Wm Polrang
Mich Polrang
Josh Polrang
Paul Polrang
John Avery
Felix Avery
Charles Richards
Josh Richards Sr
Josh Richards Jr
Luke Richards
Mathew Bradford
Mathew Mahar
Charles Brodie
Abraham Whitman
Peter Publicover
Rec’d Evan McPherson

July 19th 1830

Proceedings of a Town Meeting Held at Wilmot Canso Monday April 4th 1831 Mr Abraham Whitman in the chair.
Upon examination of collectors accounts they were found perfectly correct and satisfactory and a [fund?] remaining in the hands of the Treasurer of 1-18-10, Seven Pounds Eighteen shillings and fourpence which sum was placed in the hands of Abm Whitman Esq – the office of Treasurer being transfered to him instead of Peter Publicover esquire
Tenders were received for the support and maintenance of Mrs [Joanna?] Lamb for the ensuing year when John Myers was received at ten pounds for said year.
resolved that the sum of fifteen pounds be raised by assessment for the support of the Poor for the ensuing year.
The sum of [? Five? Four?] shillings was allowed Mathew Hutchison for the use of his room for the holding of this meeting.
[Abrm?] Whitman Chairman

Proceedings of a Town Meeting Held at Wilmot Canso on Tuesday the third Day of May 1831 Mr Abraham Whitman in the Chair
at short notice a Meeting was held at Mr Spinney Whitman’s for the purpose of considering the defence to be made to an action brought by [Mical?] [Calinace? Cavinaue? Cabinare?] against the overseers of the Poor (acting in the year 1829) for the recovery of a sum of Money to remunerate him for services rendered the distressed Seamen castaway in the Schooner George – the following persons were present at the Meeting, Edward Langley Esq, Abrm Whitman (chairman), Peter Publicover, Spinney Whitman, William Wilson, Samuel Kirby, Benjamin Kirby, Rubin Cahoon, William Horton, Abrm N. Whitman, Edward Lumdsen, Mathew Hutchison, Benjamin Bears.
resolved that it is the opinion of this meeting that Mical [Cahisan? Cahsian? Calinar?] the said Prosecutor has no claim on the overseers of the Poor and further that he has been sufficiently remunerated by the Provincial Legislature resolved that this Meeting thinks it advisable to defend the action and that the expence attending such defence be paid out of the funds raised for the relief of the poor resolved that Edward Langley Esq be instructed to defend the action and to provide himself with such evidence as the case may require
Signed A Whitman Chairman

Copy of Town Officers for the Township of Wilmot as appointed by the Court May Term 1831 to serve for the ensuing year
Surveyors of Highways
Spinney Whitman from Publicovers to the meeting house
Ruben Colcohone from thence to Foleys Hill
Anthony Self from thence to Snows old place
John Hurst from thence to Phillips Harbor
Alexander Horton from thence to the Township line
John Oliver for the Canso Islands
Benjamin Polrang for Torbay
George Tanner for Cole and Molasses Harbors
William DeMings for White Head
[Jessey?] Nickerson for the West side of New Harbor
David Kirby for the East do do
Overseers of Poor
Abraham Whitman, Mathew Hutchison, Ruben Colcohone, William DeMings and Alexander Horton
Assessors of Poor & County Rates
Isaac F. Whitman, Thos Hearn, Alexander Horton, Anthony Selff, Samuel Kirby, James Sangster, Moses Bears & Charles Nickerson
Collectors of Poor & County Rates
Spinney Whitman, John DeMings, Anthony Selff & Isaiah OHarra
William Fanning, James Dickey, John Carter, Thomas Lambert, William Davis, William Smith, James Hamilton, Henery Grouber, Ruben Colcohoon Jr & David Nickerson

Town Officers for 1831 continued
Special Constables
Spinney Whitman, Thomas Hearn, Evan McPherson, John Jemerson Jr, John Sangster, Alexander Horton & William Horton
Harbor Masters
James Hamilton, John Kirby, Thomas Hearn & Alexander Horton
Inspectors of Barrels, Staves, Hoops & Lumber
Mathew Hutchison, Henery Growber, Alexander Horton & Moses Bears
Hoggreives & fence viewers
Elias Hutchison, John Reynold, Tristram Coffin
Clerks of the Market
Abraham Whitman Jr Alexander Horton
Town Clerk
Edw Langley
True Copy taken from records
E Langley Town Clerk

Proceedings of a Town Meeting held at Canso on Monday the Second of April 1832 when Mr Abr. Whitman was elected Chairman.

Resolved unanimously that Abraham N. Whitman be requested to act as Town Clerk for the present Meeting and that he be recommended to the Court of May Term for the appointment to that office for the ensuing year. Collectors and overseers accounts were received and examined and found perfectly correct and satisfactory – [?] as commissioners laid before the Meeting [requiring? Requesting?] [?] for services rendered to persons who had become chargable to the township, many of them were admitted in consequence of which the Township became [assessed?] the sum of Seven Pounds Seven Shillings and fourpence for further particulars refer to Treasurers account for 1831.
Tenders were received for the maintenances of Mrs [Joanne?] Lamb for the ensuing where John Power of Crow harbour for eight pounds being the lowest was agreed to and further that if the said Mrs Lamb leave the said John Power (who now undertakes to support her decently) and find admittance from any other person that the said person who receives her need not expect any remuneration from the Township for their trouble, or expense [incurred?] by her [keeper?] [unless?] she can give such reasons for her conduct as will prove satisfactorily to the Overseer of the Poor for said Township that she had not been taken care of and maintained in a proper manner and therefore of necessity had recourse to this measure

Resolved that Hogs and Goats be not allowed [over?] in Canso in the Public Highway or other common grounds [such?] that all such as are found so trespassing be immediately taken care of and received into the custody of the Hogrieves and disposed of as the law directs.

Sundry persons were then chosen as fit [insofar?] to act as Town Officers for the ensuing year, and that as such, they be recommended to the court of May Term held at Guysborough May Eighth 183[2?].

Copy of a list of Town Officers as appointed by the said court for the Township of Wilmot for 1832

Surveyors of Highways
William Wilson from Publicovers to Meeting House
Rubin Colquahon Sen from thence to Foleys Hill
James [Loighsman?] from thence to Snows Place
John Hurst from thence to Philips Harbour
Alex Horton from thence to Township Line
Evan McPherson for Whitehead
Jeremiah O’Niel for Canso Islands

Assessors of Poor and County Rates
Spinney Whitman, William Fanning, Edward Lumdsen, Lewis Euloth, Alexander Horton

Collectors of Poor and County Rates
William Wilson, Evan McPherson, Alexander Horton

George Oliver, James Colquahon, John Hutchison, William Dobson, Valentine Dort, Thomas Dort , David Dobson Junr, Tristram Coffin

Special Constables
Thomas Hearne, Spinney Whitman, John Rhynold, Alexander Horton, Anthony Selff

Overseers of the Poor
James Hamilton, Evan McPherson, William Bedford, Rubin Colquahon, Spinney Whitman

Harbour Masters
James Hamilton for Canso
Thomas Hearn – Islands
Samuel Kerby – Tittle
Thomas Peart [and]
George [Carr? Cass?] Fox Island
Joseph Scott [and]
Moses Cook [Waterloo?]
Alex Horton [and]
Alex McKenzey Crow Harbour
Jamaes Hamilton Hogreave and Surveyor of Lumber
A.N.Whitman Town Clerk and Clerk of the Market

The above named officers are hereby required to qualify themselves to serve in their respective situations by being sworn in to office before some or other of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the lower district of the County of Sydney within fourteen days from the date hereof
Guysborough May 12 1832
By order of the court
W. [C? O?] Heffernan
Clerk of the Peace
A True Copy
A.N. Whitman
Town Clerk
Canso May 28 1832

Proceedings of a Town Meeting held at Canso on Monday the 1st day of April 1833 at the House of Mr Samuel Matthews
When Spinney Whitman Esq was chosen chairman

Collectors and overseers accts were examined and found correct, the sums collected were received at the Meeting as will appear in acct for 1832

Resolved that the charges against the Township be paid as far as funds will permit

Resolved unanimously that the sum of Fifteen pounds be assessed for Poor rates the ensuing year in order to discharge the debt of Eleven pounds sixteen shillings[?] now against the Township and meet any other casualties that may arise

Resolved that the persons appointed by the court to collect county rates be also appointed assessor and collector of Poor rates

Resolved that Abrm Whitman Esq be continued Treasurer of Poor rates for the ensuing year

It was ascertained that the description of Tools received by William Wilson last year for the purpose of Working the roads were [?] – 2 crow bars, 1 large Hammer, and 1 Peck axe

Signed Spinney Whitman, Chairman

Copy of a list of Town Officers as appointed by the court October term 1832 to serve in their respective situations from May Term 1833 until October Term

Surveyors of Highways
William Wilson from Publickovers to M House
David Bears from thence to foleys hill
Morris Hanlon do do Black Point
Anthony Selff from thence to Snows Place
David Dobson from thence to Philips Harbour
Alexander Horton from thence to Township line
William Demings & Evan McPherson Whead

Constables Petit
Elias Hutcheson, David Hearn, William Fanning, William Wilson, John Demings and John Myer

Special constables
Elias B Marshall, Thomas Hearn, Samuel Kerby, Joseph Handlon, Morris Handlon, Lewis Euloth, Alexander Horton, John Myers, Evan McPherson

Overseerrs of Poor
Rubin Colquhoon, Spinney Whitman, David Hamilton, William Bedford, Evan McPherson

Assessors of County Rates
Peter Publickover, Samuel Matthews, Lewis Euloth, Alexander Budrow, Charles Brodie Esq,
Matthew Hutcheson Fence viewer
Robert Spiers do
William Demings do

Collectors of Poor and County Rates
William Bedford, David Bears, William [Moir? Mous?]

Surveyors of Lumber & Hogreaves
Abraham N. Whitman and James Hamilton

Harbour Masters
James Hamilton, Thomas Hearn, Samuel Kerby, Thomas Peart, George Carr, Joseph Scott and Moses Cook

Abraham N Whitman Town Clerk and clerk of Market

A True Copy taken from record
Signed W O Hiffernan
Clerk of the Peace

A.N.Whitman Town clerk
Canso May 14, 1833

Copy of a List of Town Officers as appointed by the Court of General Sessions of the Peace held at Guysboro, in [?] and for the Lower district of the County of Sydney – on Tuesday 22nd day of October 1833 – to serve for the ensueing year

Surveyors of Highways
Peter Publickover from his House to Meeting House
Isaac Bears from thence to Foleys Hill
Joseph Handlon from thence to Black Point
Anthony Selff from thence to [Hursts?] Bridge
John [Hush? Hurst?] from thence to Thos Dorts East Line
William Bedford from thence to Township line
Robert Spiers from Half Island Cove to White Head.

Prince Colquhon
John C Kerby
John Hutcheson
Joseph Handlon
James Loughman
John Feltmate
James Fitzgerald
Lewis Euloth
Alexander Boudroit
Samuel Kerby
Henry Gruber
Isaac Bears
Trustrim Coffin
Anthony Selff
William Dobson
William Spiers [Junr?]
Matthew Gammon

Harbour Masters
James Hamilton for Canso
Thomas Hearn for the Islands
Samuel Kerby for the Tittle
Thomas Peart [and]
Robert Carr [and]
Lemuel Scott[and]
Elias Coo for Fox Island
William Bedford [and]
Anthony McKenzey for Crow harbour

Town Officers Continued

Hog Reaves & Fence Viewers
James Hamilton
William Speirs
William Smith
Ferdinand Myres
Abraham N. Whitman
David W Dobson
Thomas Dort
Matthew Hutcheson

Surveyors of Lumber
James Hamilton
A.N.Whitman Jun

Special Constables
Charles B Marshall
David Bears
Christian Ehler
William Wilson
William Horton 2d

Overseers of the Poor
Chares Brodie
William Wilson
David Bears
Samuel Kerby
Anthony McKinzey

Assessors of county Rates
Joseph David Jun
Thomas Hearn
Charles B Marshall
William Wilson
David Bears
Anthony Selff

William Bears
William Horton 2d
William Boudroit
Robert Spiers Jun

Abrm N. Whitman Town clerk & clerk market

The above named officers are hereby required to appear immediately before one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace within said Township – and qualify themselves to serve in their respective situations – otherwise they will be [proceeded?] against as the Law directs

By order of the Court
W O Hiffernan C P
A N Whitman JC
Canso Nov 3 1833

Proceedings of a Town Meeting held at Canso on Monday the 7 day of April 1834
When Spinney Whitman Esq was chosen chairman

Collectors accts and returns were examined and found sufficient to pay all demands against the Township to this date for 1832 and all previous balances as will be found in reference to Township acct for 1833

Voted unanimously the Sum of [13 pounds?] for support of Poor [& ?] for 1834

Resolved that the Persons appointed by the [Coash? Council? Court? Clerk?] of October Term to asses and collect county rates be also appointed the same for poor Rates for 1834.

Signed Spinney Whitman

Copy of overseers acct for 1834 rendered to the Clerk of the Peace February 24 1835
[amounts not included by transcriber]
– paid P Publickover Balance due for 1832……
– do for support Murphy……………
– do for [interim?] Wilson……………….
– do assessors for 1834 c.f…………………

February 24 1835
Balc paid by David Bears in full to Spinney Whitman Esq………….

By [amt?] John Budrow [sold? Son?] for [the? M?] Harbour…….
[ditto part?] William Bears [sold?] for Canso…….
do Robert Spiers for Whitehead…….
do William Horton for Bay Shore……

Canso February 27 1835

Charles Brodie
David [Bears?]
Samuel Kirby
Anthony McKenzie

Copy of overseers acct for 1833 rendered to the clerk of the Peace February 27 1835

– Paid D Bears balance due him for defence of [Such? Sich? Irish?] [Calinan?] vs overseers of poor……
– do Edward Flahaty for the Inhabitants of Canso Islands for Buying [Main? Mac…?]……
– do James Hamilton for ditto………..
– [defenses?] Wm Walsh, Taxes @ [?]….
– do paid assessors for 1832 and balance of 1831….

– By [?] of W Myres [roll?] for Torbay for the [hands? Lands?] of C Brodie Esq……..
– do W Bedfords do for Crow harbour…….
– do D Bears for Canso…..
– do W Wilson in part of Balance for 1832………
– do James Hamilton for acct Pigs Sold………

[?] February 27 1835

Rubin Cahoon [Esq?]
Spinney Whitman
James Hamilton
William Bedford
John McPherson

Canso May 10th 1836
Spinney Whitman Esq Canso registered his mark for sheep
Halfpenny under the left ear

Dec 9th, 1836
Benjamin Kirby Junr Canso registered his mark for cattle
Square crop and slit in Each ear

Jany 30 1837
Asaph [Nicason? Mcason?] Canso Tittle registered his mark for Sheep
Half halfpenny under the right ear and slit in each ear

February 24
Samuel Matthews Canso registered his mark for cattle
Square crop in each ear & slit in the left

February 12
John C Kirby Tittle registered his mark for sheep and cattle
A swallow tail in the left ear

Nov 1
Joseph Kirby Tittle registered his mark for sheep & cattle
Square crop off right ear and half halfpenny of of the inside of left ear

May 21
David W Dobson H.I.C. [that would indicate Half Island Cove –transcriber]
Registered his mark for sheep and cattle
Slit in right and slit in left ear

March 28
Rubin Cahoon [Sen?] registered his mark for cattle
Crop off the right half crop off left ear

March 28
William [O? T? J?] [Bigton? Bryton?] registered his mark for cattle
Slit in the right ear only

Jany 31
George Norris registered his mark for cattle
Half halfpenny out of each ear


Febry 24
Samuel Kirby registered his mark for sheep & c
Swallow Tale and a hole in the right ear

James Cahoon registered his mark for sheep & cattle
Swallow tail in the left and crop off the right ear

June 17
Isaac Bears registered his mark for sheep & c
Crop and slit in the right ear

Jany 15
James Bears registered his mark for sheep & c
Half halfpenny out of the right ear

April 4
John E Feltmate registered his mark for sheep “
Swallow Tail in the right ear and a half halfpenny out of the upper side of the left and half crop out of the under side

April 10th
Godfrey Barty registered his mark for sheep
Crop off the right ear and round hole in the same

May 31
Stephen Bears registered his mark for sheep
Half crop off the upper side of each ear and half penny out of the under side of the right

May 2
Asa Cahoon
His mark for cattle
Crop off right ear and slit in same
Half crop off upper part of left ear

Agreeable to Notice given a Town Meeting was at the house of Duncan McMillan Canso on Monday April 2d 1838 for the purpose of arranging overseers of Poor accts & c

Abraham Whitman chairman for said meeting

Voted the sum of Fifteen pounds for to defray parish charges when necessary –
Abraham N Whitman, Robert Spers and John Hust [Jr? Sn?] to assess for the above sum upong the Township of Wilmot. James Hamilton collector for the same.
Meeting adjourned to the 1st Monday in November

Abr. N Whitman
Canso April 2 1838

June 20th
Samuel Kirby Junr registered his mark for cattle
Swallow tail in each ear and half halfpenny out of top of each ear
C.H. Whitman clerk

dec 29
[Caleb?] [Nicason? Mcason?] (Asa [Nicason? Mcason?] son) registered his mark for cattle & c being half crop out of the upper side of each ear

Jany 2
Joseph Bears registered his mark for cattle &c being half crop out of the under side of the left ear and swallow tale and half hallfpeny out of the right ear

April 14
Samuel Swaine Junior registered his mark for cattle & c being crop off the left ear half halfpenny out of the upper side of the same and hole in the right ear

April 14
Samuel Swaine Senr registered his mark for cattle & c being crop off and hole in the right ear and half halfpenny below and above and slit in the left ear

March 24
John Horton Junr registered his mark for Sheep & c being crop off the right ear and halfpenny under the same and halfpenny out of the upper side of the left ear “ “ “ thus

[June?] 3
William McKenzey registered his mark for Sheep swallow tail out of the right ear

April 2
Stephen Nicason registerred his mark for Sheep crop off right ear and two slits in the same

April 13
Prince [ or Bruce?] Cahoon registered his mark for Sheep and cattle crop off the right

February 24
James Hanlon Esq registered his mark for Sheep & c being square crop off the right ear and one hole in it and two holes in the left

April 19th
Mrs Ann Smith Crow harbor registered [per?] order of mr George her mark for sheep & c being [two?] half pennies in each ear

June [5th?]
Mr David Bears Hazel Hill requested his mark for sheep & c being a swallow tail and a half penny on the upper side of the left ear and a half crop on the under side of the right.

[June 12?]
Mr Harris Kirby Hazel Hill requested his mark for sheep & c being a square crop off the left ear and a half crop off the upper side of the right

See back of the book [ presumably for a continuation of the sheep mark registrations -transcriber]


[Continued in Part II]