Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

Records of the Town of Wilmot (continued)

Records of the Town of Wilmot (Canso): Part II

Transcribed by Peggy Feltmate

This transcription originally appeared on the Guysborough County Genweb Project site which was managed by the late Patricia Lumsden. Along with a number of other excellent resources, this transcription can still be viewed there: freepages.rootsweb.com/~guys/genealogy/index.html

Quarter Sessions for Wilmot (Canso)
Held at NSARM (the public archives of Nova Scotia)
Call number: RG 34 – 311 (P.5)

[words that are unclear will appear in square brackets with a question mark.
Also any transcriber’s comments will also appear in square brackets.
Spellings are given exactly as they appear in the original document.
For the most part, monetary amounts are not given in this transcription.
Where a monetary figure appeared you will see a series of dots………..
The transcriber worked from a photocopy.]

At a Town Meeting held in the School House at Canso on Monday 4th day of April 1852 at 11 oClock A M
George Norris Chairman

that the sum of four pounds be paid [Jas ?] Loughman Senr for Maintenance of Murphy children. Two pounds of which to be paid by him to Richard [Nash?]

That Harris Kirby be allowed Five Pounds {per?] [Annamn? Annum?] for maintenance clothing & c for [James?] Murphy for the Year from this date. In the event of Murphy’s falling sick, Overseers of Poor to take charge of him if required

That the sum of thirty five pounds be assessed for the support of the Poor in this district for the present year and to pay accounts due

Overseers of Poor appointed the Assessors of County Rates the be also Assessors of Poor Rates for the present Year
Geo Norris

At a Town Meeting held in the School House at Canso on Monday 3rd day of April 1854 at 11 OClock AM

Resolved that the assessors of County Rates be also Assessors of Poor Rates for the present year

Resolved that the Collector of Poor Rates be directed to give Notice to the Ratepayers that a special session will be held and when for the purpose of hearing appeals against poor rate, said session to be held about one month after receipt of Tax Roll by the Collector

Resolved that the sum of nine pounds be allowed James Keefe for the Maintenance Clothing & c of James Murphy (a pauper) for one year from this date

Resolved that the sum of nine pounds be allowed John Wilkins for the maintenance and clothing & c of Michael Twyhee a pauper for one Year from this date

Resolved that Joseph Bears be allowed at the rate of Forty seven shillings and sixpense per week for Board Lodging of Samuel Fowles [or Fowler?] an Insane Pauper

Resolved that the sum of Twenty shillings per year be allowed for keeping the books & accounts of this Poor district

Resolved that the sum of Forty five Pounds be assessed for the Support of the Poor of this district for One Year from this date

At a Meeting held at the School House in Canso on Monday 2nd April 1855 to provide for the Support of the Poor in Canso district – James Hamilton, Chairman

Resolved that the Sum of Ten Pounds be assessed for the Support of Darcy & his Wife

Resolved that the Sum of Ten Pounds be assessed for the Support of James Murphy

Resolved that the Sum of Thirty Four Pounds the above Sums being therein included be assessed for the Support of the Poor for the present Year

[Sg? By?] Jas Hamilton Chairman
[in a different hand:] James Hamilton Chairman

At a Town Meeting held at the School House in Canso on Monday 7th April 1856 to provide for the Poor of Canso district No.6 – Mr Hector Gordon in the Chair

Resolved that the following Sums be deducted from the Rates of the persons whose names they are respectively set opposite
David Whitman – [Five?] shillings sixpence
Geo Norris Twelve shillings sixpence
David Fraser sixpence

Resolved the following [Bills?] be paid
[Philip? Philiss? [&?] William Kelly for [c/o?] D Brenan……
Wm Bigelow Bal due…….
AN Whitman do……….
Clerk – Saly for 1856……..
[a marginal note is difficult to read, includes the word “addition”]

and the following persons to be [assisted?] being considered as untitled to relief from the district –
James Duff probable [Amt?] 10 pounds
Jas Darcy & Wife do 10 pounds
Murphy & Wife do 10 pounds
provided his Wife does not Sell
Intoxicating Liquor
Mrs Benan provided she makes her
Property over to the Township 8 pounds
Mrs Rodgers for Maintenance of pauper
Child T [Horton? Hunter?] 10 pounds
[marginal note, looks like “should L9 13 7 amt actually”]

Resolved that the Sum of Fifty Pounds be assessed for the Support of the Poor in the district (No.6) for the present Year

Resolved that the Assessors of County Rates for the present Year be also and are hereby appointed assessors of Poor Rates for the present year

Hector Gordon

At a Meeting of Rate Payers held at the School House in Canso on Monday 6 day of April 1857 to provide for the Support of the Poor of Canso district No 6 – W [I? J?] Bigelow Esq in the Chair

Resolved that the property formerly occupied by Mrs Dorah Brenan a pauper be Sold at Public Auction on the 30th Instant

Resolved that the following Sums be given by the Overseers of Poor for the Support of
Darcy & Wife Ten Pounds
Murphy Six Pounds
Mrs Brenan Six Pounds

Resolved that the Sum of Forty five Pounds be assessed for the Support of the Poor for the Year

Resolved that they assessors of County Rates for the district be and are hereby appointed assessors of Poor Rates also.

W [I? J?] Bigelow Chairman

At a Meeting held at the School House Cape Canso on Monday 5th April 1858 to provide for the Maintenance of the Poor in district No [6? 4?] –
Hector Gordon in the Chair

Resolved that the amount voted last year 6 pounds for the maintenance of D Brenan be [passed?] to Mr Fogarty

Hector Gordon

Due W [I? J?] Bigelow………
Bal from Overseer………..

At a Town Meeting held at the School House Cape Canso 2 April 1860 to provide for the Poor in district No 6
G Norris Chairman
moved by W I Bigelow seconded by H Gordon


That no assessment be made this Year, that Darcy & Wife be supported by private subscripten

Geo Norris

At a Public Meeting held at the Store of AN Whitman at Canso 1st April 1861 for the Support of the Poor in District No [4? ] James Tate Chairman

There was Collected to pay Wm Wylde for a Bbl Flour for Darcy & Wife
From Jas Publicover 5/
ANWhitman – 10/
Jas Tate 2/6
Ths [Walsh? Welch?] 5/
B Kirby 2/6
Stephn Bears 2/6
W Wylde 5/
T C Cook 2/6 35/

Resolved That the Overseers of Poor be [ ? ] to have Repairs made to Darcys House

Resolved That as there no Bills against the district and only Darcy & Wife to provide for – that they be supported by voluntary Subscription – as last year – Contributions to be left at W H Wylde’s Store.

At a Meeting held at the Office of AN Whitman on the 7th April 1862 for the Support of the Poor
Wm Hutcheson in the Chair

The following Bills were [passed?] to be paid

H Gordon for Services attending small Pox patients $5
T C Cook for Supplies to Manuol’s family
& [Burying?] Manuol $10.75 [Lavallois?] [Rust?] $3.50
[left?] paid on account $7 bal $7.25
Geo Oliver Support of Mrs Brenan 1861 20
[total] $ 32.25

Subscription was made by the persons present to settle this bill to be paid over to ANWhitman who undertook to pay the above Amount

At a Town Meeting held at the Store of W I Bigelow on the 4th April 1863 to provide for the Support of the Poor in district no [4? 6?] M Meagher as Chairman

The following Bills were passed

AN Whitman –
H Gordon for Small Pox Cases…..
[Wilkins?] for Lodging Darcy [ & W?]…..
Geo Oliver Board Lodging Mrs Brenan 1862…..

Resolved that
G Oliver be allowed 7 pounds ten for support of Mrs Brenan for 1863……
[Thos? Swim? or possibly This? June?] for support of Darcy & Wife……
Phillip Kelly bal due him for Overseers account 1856…….
should be L1.3.4 ½ [? ? ?] 1856…….

Resolved that the above sum of 47 pounds 14 be assessed on the Rate payers this present Year

T C Cook
Wm Hutcheson
A Cameron
Collector of County Rates to be Collector of Poor Rates also

At a Public Town Meeting held at the Store of Wm [I? J?] Bigelow & Sons on Monday April 4th 1864 for the Support of the Poor – Alfred Hart Esq in the Chair

Resolved that the party agreeing with the Overseers of the Poor to maintain any Pauper, is alone is alone entitled to payments for keeping said Pauper – that the pauper must remain where put by the Overseers of Poor – unless Just cause is shown to Overseers of Poor for his removal Therefrom. No Bill will be paid for maintaining Paupers unless the pauper has been removed with consent of the Overseers to the person applying for payment.

Resolved that sum of Thirty Pounds be assessed on the Rate payers for the maintenance of the Poor of the district for the Year ensuing

Resolved that in future the Sum of One Pound Ten shillings be [allowed ?] and no more for the [Bureal?], digging Grave, Coffin & all other Expenses of a Pauper who dies at the Contractor for his maintenance and who is bound to bury him for that Sum in addition to Sum allowed for maintenance

To be assessed for
G Oliver bal….
[Eaton?] for child…..
Jas Ryan for Dorah Brenan 1864….
S McKenzie for Mercy Cahoon….

At a Public Town Meeting held at the Store of Mssrs W I Bigelow & Sons on the 3d April 1865 for the support of the poor. W I Bigelow in the chair.

Resolved that a Bill for Support of Mary Sampson brought by George Oliver was not allowed. (if the money be collected from the father the debt will be paid.)

Resolved that Seventeen Pounds be assessed on the Rate payers for the support of the Poor

John Matthews paid to William Hutcheson Overseer [4 pounds?] balance due by overseers last year

Resolved that George Oliver be allowed at the Rate of 12 pounds per year for Support of Dorah Brenan…..

Mercy Cahoon taken by Seth McKenzie for nothing while well. If she falls sick he leaves it with Overseers of Poor to say what sum to allow him for attendance while Sick. In case of her death, $6 will be allowed for Burial, Coffin &c.

At a Meeting held at Wilmot Hall on Monday the 2nd day of April 1866 for the transaction of business of the Town and Support of the Poor Thos. C Cook in the Chair

Resolved that Clement H Whitman be Town Clerk for the ensuing Year. Also resolved that he be appointed treasurer of the money belonging to the Township.

Resolved that the sum of two dollars be allowed him in remuneration for his services as Treasurer, in addition to the four dollars pd Him as Clerk -–Angus McLellan having [offered?] to support Dora Brennan for the sum of fifty two dollars [as?] for the ensuing year, it was resolved that he be paid that sum for supporting her.

Resolved that the sum of two dollars be paid for the use of Wilmot Hall for the Meeting held this day.

Resolved that the sum of sixty-eight dollars (68.00) be assessed on the rate payers of the Township for the support of the poor for the ensuing year.

It was then resolved that the meeting adjourn –

Clement H Whitman
Cape Canso
April 2, 1866

Canso, April 1st 1867
The Annual meeting of the rate payers of the Township of Wilmot to provide for the support of the poor for the ensuing year and to transact the other business of the township was held in Wilmot Hall this day. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The treasurer handed in his accounts showing a balance in his hands of six dollars and sixty seven cents (6.67). John Ryan Junior sent in a bill of twenty-five dollars and fifty cents (25.50) for the support of Mrs Cooke for four months and eight days, only requiring payment in case the overseers took her upon the list of paupers. It was left to the overseers to as what they thought best in the matter. John Kelly offered to keep Dora Brennan for one year for the sum of fifty six dollars. It was resolved that he be employed to keep her for that sum. It was resolved that Angus Cameron, collector, be released from collecting any more of the taxes for the past year. It was resolved that the sum of ninety dollars be assessed on the rate payers of the Township. It was then resolved that the meeting close.
C H Whitman,

Canso, April 6th, 1868
The annual meeting of the rate payers of the Township of Wilmot to provide for the support of the Poor and transact the other business of the Township was held this day. Mr William Hutchison was appointed chairman. The minutes of the last meeting were read and passed. The treasurer handed in his statement showing a balance in his hands of thirty three dollars twenty seven cents (33.27) It was passed. The overseers reported that after the last town meeting they had agreed with Maurice Cavanah to keep Mrs Cooke for the year for the sum of fifty two dollars. It was resolved that the collector be held responsible for the deficiency in the tax roll untill he satisfies the overseers that he has done everything possible to collect it. The amount not collected was reported to be thirty dollars ninety three cents (30.93) It was resolved that Benjamin Bearse Senr , William Fanning and Patrick Connel be struck off the list of payers of poor rates in future. C H Whitman was reappointed to the office of Clerk and Treasurer. It was resolved that the collector of County rates for the year be the collector of poor rates also. Michael Landry agreed to keep Dora [Bremman? Brenman?] for the year at the rate of sixty four dollars per year. Allan Cameron agreed to keep Mrs Cooke at the rate of fifty two dollars per year. It was decided to assess the sum of one hundred and thirty dollars (130.00) on the Township for the year for the support of the Poor. It was then resolved that the meeting close

C H Whitman

Canso November 19th 1868

A special meeting of the ratepayers of the Township of Wilmot being called. Mr William Hutchison was appointed Chairman and Alfred W. Hart appointed Clerk protem. Mr [Cullen? Callam?] moved and Mr John Mathews second a motion that this meeting be adjourned until the Twenty sixth day of November instant at Ten OClock in the forenoon which being put was carried by the majority then present

Alfred W. Hart, Clerk protem

Canso April 6th 1869

The Annual Meeting of the rate payers of the Township of Wilmot to Provide for the support of Poor and transact the other business of the Township was held this day at Wilmot Hall. Thomas C Cook Esq in the Chair. The minutes of the last meeting was read and adopted. It was moved that the following persons be struck off the Poor Rate list – James Flaherty, Samuel Kirby Senr, Laurence McDonald and John Hopkins – that the collector John Meagher be released from any further trouble in consequence of his not charging full [commissions?] and having so small a balance uncollected. Dorah Brennan taken by [Mrs? Mr?] Publicover for the sum of fifty seven dollars and Mrs Cooke was taken by James McNeil for Forty Eight Dollars. It was moved that the sum of Two hundred dollars be voted for the use of the Township for the coming year – and that the County Collector be the Poor Rate Collector. It was moved that the meeting close

Thos C Cook
[in pencil at the bottom:] voted for Clerk & use of Hall $6.00

Cape Canso 4th April 1870

The Annual Meeting of the rate payers for the township of Wilmot to provide for the support of the Poor and transact the other business of the Township was held this day. Alfred W. Hart Esq in the Chair.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.

Moved by Mathew Walsh Seconded by Joseph [Cutler? Cullen?] that George Oliver be paid the sum of Eight dollars for nursing and attendance on the Child of Mary Sampson.

Moved and seconded that James Tate be secretary and Treasurer the ensuing year, and that he receive the usual salary of Six dollars for such service.

John Jasper Harding takes Dorah Brennan for the sum of Fifty nine dollars ($59.00) for the ensuing year.

That the sum of Eighty dollars be assessed on the Township for the ensuing year.

That the Collector of County rates be the Collector of Poor Rates for the Coming year.

That two dollars be allowed out of the amount voted for the use of this Hall.

Moved that the following persons be struck of the Poor rate list – Spinney Bearse – George Snow and John Scieles

Alfred W Hart Chairman

Cape Canso Apr 3rd 1871

The annual meeting of the Rate payers for the township of Wilmot to provide for the Support of the poor and for transacting the General business of the poor district. Was held in the Wilmot Hall, Joseph Cullen Esq being appointed to the chair. The meating was then called to order, The minutes of last meeting being read were adopted. Also report of Clerk, after being read was received.

The Collector of poor rates not being present the meeting requested the oversers to call on him and request him to attend and give the meeting an explanation with reference to the Ball due the townsp by him which request was attended and Mr Munro appeared. After some explanation and discussion it was resolved to give the Collector three months to pay the Ball due which was adopted. A Bill was presented from Doctor Bulkley for attendanc on Wlm [Rodges? Hodges?], after some discussion and explanation by [Me? Be? Re?] F. Cunningham [possibly “Re Fr” – could this possibly mean Rev Father? – transcriber] with Reference to said Bill it was Resolved that the Sum of Six dollars be allowed, which was carried, two other Small Bill were presented which passed the meeting. Resolved that John Jasper Harding take Dorah Brennan for the Sum of Sixty Dollars $60.00 which passed. Also resolved that the child of Mary Jane Snow be provided for By the overseers. Also Resolved that two dollars be paid for the use of the Hall for this day. Also that the clerk be retained in office and also that the collector of County Rates Be the Collector of poor Rates and further Resolved that the Sum of one Hundred Dollars $100.00 be assessed on the township for the present year which motions passed unanimously. The meeting then closed.

Resolved That the Rate payers of this Township do not hold themselves responsible for the paymet of Bills for medical attendance, not autherised By the overseers, which was carried

Joseph Cullen Chairman

James Tate, Clerk

Canso Aprial 1st 1872 Wilmot Hall

The annual meeting of Rate payers of the township of Wilmot was held this day for the transacting of the Bussiness of the district and also to provide for the Suport of the Poor Mr Hector Gordon in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were Read and approved. Treasures Report being Read was approved. The overseers presented a bill from Doctor Buckley to ammont of thirty six Dollars $36.00, for attending George Snow. After some discussion it was Resolved that the Bill be paid. A [W?] Hart presented Bill for writing Indenture of the child W.L [Cochran?] to amt $1.00. Resolved that it be paid. Mr John Langley agreed to take Dorar Bren[nan?] for the sum of $58.00 fifty eight Dallors for the present year. Resolved that the Sum of one hundred and thirty Dollars $130.00 be assessed on the township for the ensueing year.

[transcriber’s note: in this person’s handwriting he tends to put a very definite “e” after capital letters especially after “L” an “R”; this is so consistent that I finally concluded that this is merely a strong curlicue and not a lower-case “e”]

Resolved That the collector of county Rates be collector of poor Rates.

Resolved that the Sum of two $2.00 Dollars be allowed for the use of the Hall this Day.

Resolved that the clerk be continued in office for the ensueuing year.

The meeting then adjourned

Hector Gordan Chairman
James Tate Sec & Treasurer

Wilmot Hall Canso Apr 7th 1873

ANNUAL TOWN MEETING OF THE Ratepayers was held this day Joseph Cullen Esq in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved the treasurers Report was also Read and approved. Shewing a ball on hand of two $2.00 dollar 30 ½ [cts?] A W Hart Esq presented a Bill of four Dollars $4.00 fo Conveying john [Hussor? Heussor? Hustor? Hutton?] from Canso to Malasses Harbour Resolved that Mr Hart be paid and the Bill Sent to oversers of White Head poor District and be Requested to Remit the amt of bill to this poor district. Mr John Landry agreed to take Dora Brinen for the Sum of Sixty $60.00 for the years Resolved the sum of two Dollars be allowed for the use of the Hall this day. Also resolved that the clerk be continued in effect for the year. Resolved that the sum of $82.00 be assesed on the township for the ensuing year.

Collector of County Rates be Collector of Poor Rates
meeting adjourned

Joseph Cullen Chairman
James Tate Sectory

Canso Apr 6 1874

The annual Town meeting of the Rate payers Wilmot poor district was held this day in the [cook? coat? coal?] Room of A N Whitman’s Esq, A W Bigelow in the chair. Minutes last meeting read and adopted. Treasurers account submitted and passed

The Following Bill were presented and after discussion passed

A Bill for Snows Coffin[s?] of $9.50

A Bill of Boots for Mary Ann Hadley $2.25

A Bill of flour for G Tattingale $8.00
A Bill of goods paid to Sml Kirby $20.00

Thatt the sum of $75.00 seventy five dollars be allowed for the maintenance of Dora Brinen for one year

That the Sum of thirty Dollars $30.00 Be allowed to Mr Benjamin Kirby for maintaining George Cahoon for one year

Resolved That the sum of one Hundred and Eighty dollars $180.00 be assessed on the poor district for the ensueing year

Resolved That the Sum of two dollars be allowed for the use of the House this day

Resolved that the collector of county Rates be collector of poor Rates

Resolved that the clerk be continued in office with the usual Salory.
Meeting then adjouned

A W Bigelow Chairman
James Tate Clerk

Canso apr 5th 1875

The annual Town meeting was held this day in the old School House to transact the business of the township and make provisions for the support of the poor. Joseph Cullen Esq in the chair. The Minutes of last meeting being read [Wood? Most?] approved. A number of Bills were presented by overseers Shewing the ammount of expences incurred by Lawrance McDonald and Ann Braughton while in a state of insanity which Bills were read to the meeting and after some discussion they were Received. The Poor on the parish were then given the following persons for to be maintained for the ensueing year – John Manuel took dora Brinen for the Sum of Seventy Eight Dollars $78.00 Richard Phalen took the Boy Frank Snow for the Sum of thirty dollars $30.00
James Cousins Took the girl Delia Snow for the Sum of twenty four dollars $24.00
George Cahoon was allowed to [remove?] with Mr B Kirby

Resolved that the Sum of three Hundred and twenty eight dollars be assesed on the township for the ensueng year $328.00. Resolved that the Collector of county Rates be Collector of Poor Rates.

Resolved that the Clerk & Treasurer be continued in office. The meeting then adjourned.
Joseph Cullen Esq
James Tate Clerk

Cape Canso Apr 3 1876
The annual town meeting was held this day in Capt John Meyers’ House
James Tate was chosen Chairman
T C Cook Esq Sec of meeting

The minutes of last meeting was then Read and adopted. The Bills due for the last year were paid. The collector handed in his return Shewing a deficiency of $15.00 not collected which was discussed when the collector was Requested to Collect all that can [cant?] be got.

The meeting then made the following provision for the poor on the district

Resolved that the sum of $40.00 be allowed to [Mr? Mrs?] B Kirby for maintaning Georg Cahoon Also That the sum of $86.00 be allowed for the support of Dora Brinen. To John Manuel
That the Sum of $35.00 be allowed for the Support of the Boy Frank Snow to Asa Nickerson Junr

That the Sum of $20.00 be allowed to Mary Ann Headley with her chose of going with Seth McKenzie who offers to take her for one year or [fine? give?] for that ammount

That the Sum of Sixty one dollars and Ninety eight cents $61.98 be allowed to T C Cook Esq being ammount of his Bill against the township for expenses with {L? S?] McDonald[s?]

That the Sum of two Dollars be allowed for the use of the House in which meeting was held

That the Sum of Six Dollars be allowed to the Clerk for the ensuing year

And Further Resolved that the Sum of $280.00 two Hundred and Eighty dollars be assessed on the township for the ensueing year

The meeting was then adjourned

James Tate, Chairman

T C Cook Esq Clerk

Canso Apr 3, 1876

Memo of amts passed By the meeting

For G Cahoon $40.00
Do Dora Brenin $86.00
Do Frank Snow $35.00
Do Mary Ann Hadley $20.00
Do T C Cook $61.98
Do J. Myers for use of house $ 2.00
Do for Clerk & treasurer $ 6.00
Do allowed for [?] & [loss?] $20.02

[written in pencil at the bottom of the page in a different hand:]

Mary Ann Hadley lost her husband by drowning in the year

Canso Apr 2d 1877

Minutes meeting Held in the town hall. The Annual town meting of the Rate payers was Held this day
Joseph Cullen Esq in the chair the minutes of last meeting Read and approved. The Collector [s] Report was presented shewing a Ballanc uncollected of twenty two dollars 83 – after Some dicussion the collector was advised to collect as much of the amt due as would be collectable.

The Bills for the past year was paid off when the Following provision was made for the poor

John Landry agreed to take Mrs Brenen for the Sum of Eighty dollars When the overseers went to have her Removed they found some difficulty to do so and agreed to leave her with John Manuel for the sum of $90.00.

Harris Kirby agreed to take George Cahoon for the Sum of $35.00. [He?] Refused to go and Mrs Benjamin Kirby agreed to Keep him for the sum of $32.00

Mickeal Landry agreed to take the Boy Frank Snow for the Sum of Forty Eight Dollars $48.00

The overseers made explanation with Regard to the Binding out of the two Boys of Mrs Carter one to Andrew Meagher and one to William Fanning the nessary papers were made out and Signed.

The Following is the Estimate Required to beassed [presumably “be assessed” –transcriber] on the township for the ensuing year

For maintaining dora Brenan $80.00
“ “ the boy Frank Snow $48.00
“ “ George Cahoon $35.00
“ “ amt A W Harts Bill $ 9.00
Clerks Salory $ 6.00
Use of Hall $ 2.00
Commision for collecting $10.00


Resolved that this amt be assesd
on the township

Additional to
John Manuel for maintang
Dora Brenin $10.00

Making the Sum of $200.00
To Be assed on the township

The meeting then adjourned

Joseph Cullen Esq Chaiman
James Tate Clerk

Minutes of Town Meeting hed in the Hesperus Hall on Monday the first day of Aprial 1845

The annual Town meeting was held this day. Joseph Cullen Esq appointed Chairman minutes of last meeting was Read when a discussion arrose about the Removeing of Dora Brenan from John Manuels to John Leandys he having engaged to Keep her at the town meeting when the oversers went to Remove her she Refused to go when it was agreed by the oversers to let her Remain where she was

The Rate payers agreed that it was a wrong precedent and Should not be allowed in any future case

Spinny Bears agreed to Keep George Cahoon at the Rate of Forty Dollars per year as long as he lived

The Township to pay funeral expenses and the overseers to have a written agreement with Mr Bears to that effect

The papers were not made out

Resolved That the Sum of Eighty Dollars be assessed on the Township. Also Resolved that James Cousins or the Collector of County Rates be Collector of Poor Rates. Meeting adjourned

Joseph Cullen Chairman
James Tate Sec

Minutes of Town meeting held in 1879 Hesperes Hall on Monday the 7th day of Aprial

The annual Town meeting was held this day in the Hall. Mr Alexander Wilson was called to the chair. Minutes last meeting Read and approved. The Collector handed in a list of names of these who had not paid their Rates Shewing a deficiency of nearly Forty Dollars. After Some discusion it was moved by T C Cook Esq and Seconded by [William Walsh?] that the [leave?] be put in force to collect the arrears due by Rate payers for the past three years. Moved by William Walsh and seconded by James Cousins that the Sum of Forty $40.00 Dollors be assesed on the townsh to pay the expenses Required to callect the taxes due By the Rate payers. Moved by William Walsh and Resolved that the overseers be empowered to Borrow money to pay the Bills due By the township

Resolved that the Sum of Forty Five $45.00 be allowed to Spinny Bears for the Keeping of George Cahoon for the year.

Resolved that the overseers be empowered to make provision for any person that may become a pauper on the township for the present year. Also Resolved that the Sum of thirty $30.00 dollors be allowed for Such Case

Resolved that the Sum of Twenty $20.00 be allowed T C Cook Esq for expences of pauper At Mrs [Higgins? Huggans?]

Resolved that the Clerk be continued in office

Resolved that the Collector of County Rates be Collector of poor Rates

John Cunningham handed in a Statement of Rates Collected by Constable ammounting to Five $5.54 dollars and Fifty four cents.

Resolved that William Rodgers and James Cahoon be exemted from paying taxes

Alex Wilson Chairman
James Tate Secretary

Canso Monday Evening Apr 5th 1880
A meeting of overseers of Poor was held in Mr J W Cunninghams Store. Oversers present T C Cook & J W Cunningham Esqs acting for the past year and T L Whitney and John McNarry for this year

Collector James Cousins

Clerk James Tate

The Collectors Report Shewed a large amount not collected warrant had been taken out and put in the constables hands which he Returned to the magistrate

It was agreed by the overseers that the Sum of $200.00 would be Required to pay the expences for the present year.

Spinny Bears agrees to Keep g. Cahoon Pauper, this year for the Sum of $50.00 made his offer to Clerk and was agreed to By overseers

Raymond Keating agrees to Keep J Callahan , Pauper, (who had been Kept By Mrs [Higgins? Huggans?] the past year) this year for the Sum of $48.00

Mr T Whitney & John McNarry went and made the agreemnt with Mrs Keating on Wednesday the 7th Aprial.

Ball due Mrs Huggans $26.50
“ “ Spinney Bears 24.30
“ J W Cunningham [overseer 1879?] 15.30
“ due Clerk & Treasurer 10.43


[second column:]

Due A W Hart order bought
From {Ne? Mc?] Smith $ 3.00
“ J C Cooks Bill $30.00
“ overseers by E.Boudrot $12.00


to be paid this year

J Tate Clerk

Canso Apr 4th 1881

Oversers met at the House of James Tate to transact the Business of the Township. The collectors returns Shewed a large deficit, a number of the Rate payers were unable to pay their Taxes.
John Landry agreed to Keep the pauper James Callahan this year for the Sum of Sixty Dollars – There being a large Ball due By the Poor District the overseers Resolved that the Sum of $198.20 be assessed on the Town Ship for the present year. And the Estimate was made out and posted up in three places

When the Estimate was Brought before the council the cut it down to about $150.00 But gave no notice to the overseers and when the [Roul?] was made out there was $203.00 to be collected.

T. [S? L?]. Whitney
J M [Swann? Swain?]
John McNory

James Tate

Canso Apr 4th 1882

Overseers met at the Shop of James Tate to transact the Buisines of the poor district. The collectors Returns Shewed a ball not collect of $59.24 and gave as a {Reason? Promise? Measure?] that the councilor told Some of the Rate payers that they need only pay a portion of their taxes as the council cut down the estimate and [?] only $150.00

John Manual agreed to keep James Callahan for the Sum of $70.00 for the present year.

The overseers agreed to give John Landry the Sum of $20.00 for Keeping henry Miller, Six months ending April 1st 1882.

They also Resolved that the sum of $203.12 would be Required to pay off the Bill for the present year.
The Estimate was made out and posted up in three places.

John McNory
Benjamin Lumsdon
John Reoberts

James Tate

Canso Apr 2d 1883

The overseers Benjamin Lumsden and John [Bryon? Rogers?] met in the shop of James Tate. John Roberts being away to Halifax Fred Norris Collector also present and gave a Statement of what he collected the ammount being $145.22 the ammount on the [Roull?] $175.00 [Having?] a ball not collected of $29.78

John Manuel agreed to Keep James Callahan Pauper for the Sum of Seventy Dollars

The ammount of Estimates for the present year is one Hundred and [Seven?] dollars and 71 cents.

Financial matters are more [favourable?] the Ball of account due By the township being about $21.71

Canso March 2d 1883

James Tate Clerk

Canso apr 7th 1884

Two overseers met in the Shop loft of James Tate. The Collector Mr Fr [Norris?] being present made his Returns Showing ammount Collected $84.95 Leaving a ball. Still uncollected of $26.05. John Manuel was paid the Ball due him of $35.00 for the Keeping of James Callahan.

John Manuel agreed to Keep James Callahan Pauper for the Sum of Eighty Dollars $80.00 which the overseers agreed to give him as no other person could be found to take him for anything less. The net amount Required to pay the expences for the current year is estimated at $108.00 – the Return of overseers for the past year and the estimate for the coming year was forwarded to the Clerk of council

Canso April the 7th 1884

James Tate


Minutes of meeting Held by Overseers Poor in the Shop of James Tate Canso Apr 6th 1885

Overseers Present John Ryan and John Roberts. Asa Nickerson Collector present Handed in his Return Shewing that the Sum of Ninety two Dollars $92.82 was collected Leaving a ball still uncollected of twenty two $22.20 twenty cents. [Most? Part?] of this ammount is expected to be collected warrant has been taken out The half years Salary for the Keeping of James Callahan was paid to John Manuel.

John Manuel agrees to Keep James Callahan for the Sum of one Hundred Dollars for the present year.

The Estimates Required By the Poor district to be Raised and assessed for to meet the expences of the year are one Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars $125.00

Overseers Poor
John Roberts
John Ryan
A W Bigelow

James Tate, Clerk

Canso Monday Apr 5th 1886
Overseers met in the Shop of James Tate pressent John Roberts AW Bigelow and Asa Nickerson collector. James Tate Secrotery. Minutes last meeting Read and approved – Collector handed in Report of poor Rates collected

[written in pencil:] see 1888

[resuming in pen:]
John Manuel wanted $100.00 to Keep James Callahan for the year which was considered to high. Mickeal Landry offered to keep him for $80.00 or year. The overseers agreed to give him that ammount.

James Callahan Refused to go to M Landry and the overseers had to get a waggon and had him Coveyed to Mr Landry – he had a feather Bed and one quilt and one pillow. John dechoff was employed with his horse and waggon to convey him to place provided for his keeping and was paid 25 c for his Services.

Canso Jany 6th 1884

Overseers Poor met in the Shop of James Tate

John W Roberts
William Welsh

Asa Nickerson Colector

James Tate – Sec & Treasurer

Collector handed in Report Shewing
ammount Collected – $77.50
ammount uncollected $44.47

amt on Rate Rool $121.97

Overseers agreed to assess on the poor district the Sum of $125.00 for the maintainance of the poor and other expences connected with the district for the year 1887 and [?] the Clerck to forward to the council the Estimates and accounts which was done

James Tate, Clerck

Canso N.S. April 2nd 1888
The overseers of the Poor met in the office of A N Whitman on Monday April 2nd 1888 – The collector Asa Nickerson handed in a report shewing $11.96 on hand and due the board which he paid in and as there was some misunderstanding as to the balance which should be due the board ordered the clerk to accept the amount paid in $11.96 in full of all monies collected to date and to balance the account of the collector accordingly

Michael Landry being present agreed to accept $11.96 in full of all demands by him re maintenance and burial of James Callahan, pauper, deceased and the Clerk was ordered to pay the amount which was then and there paid. This amt was in Lieu of a bill of $14.18 claimed by said Ml Landry

The following bills were passed and ordered to be paid when in funds –
TC Cook 50 c [Late?] Jas Tate $8.87

Meeting adjourned to Monday 8th inst

Present William Walsh, AW Bigelow, John Roberts, overseers
Asa Nickerson Collector
John Flaherty
Ml Landry and [J R Creed?] Secy & Treas

Canso Monday 8 Apl 1888
Overseers met in Office of AN Whitman
W Walsh
AW Bigelow
J Roberts
JR [Creed?] Secy & Treas

Ordered that the district be assessed in the sum of $150.00 for the maintenance of the Poor for the ensueing year and that the clerk make out the rate roll accordingly and hand it over to Asa Nickerson collector

JR [Creed?] Secy & Trea

Sept 23 1888
In accordance with the above resolution I made out an assessment roll amounting to $179.32 and placed it in the hands of the collector Asa Nickerson

The collector has now on hand for collection

Uncollected from rate roll 1887
As per list in back of account book $17.18
Rate roll for this year $179.32

Total $196.50

JR [Creed?]
Secy & Treas

The Annual Meeting of the Overseers of the Poor was held in the old School house on the first Monday in April 1889 when the collector and clerk and Treasurer presented their reports which were confirmed. The report of the collecter shewed a balance of $28.00 uncollected taxes $11.36 of which [it?] was from previous years and the bulk of it uncollectable.

The account of the Treasurer shewed a balance in his hand of $14.64 after all liabilities were paid

The sum of $150.00 was ordered to be assessed on the district for the maintenance of the Poor for the ensueing year

The overseers decided to accept the offer of James Burns [ or Burris?] to maintain Mary Flaherty for the ensuing year for the sum of $90.00. In the event of sickness or decease the town to bear the expenses accrueing.

JR [Freed? Creed?]] Clerk & Treas

Subsequently a bargain was made by the overseers with James Fanning to maintain Miller for one year for forty five dollars ($45.00)

Also a bargain with Munro, Dover to Maintain Rynold girl during her lying in with a bastard child for the sum of $15.00 fifteen dollars JRC

Canso April 4 1890
The Annual Town meeting for the support of the poor was held in the old School house

The Secy & Treasure reported shewing that a sum of one hundred and forty six dollars & 97/100 had been collected during the year $12.78 of which was from uncollected rates of previous years and that after paying all demands upon the Township there was in his hands an unexpended balance of ($1.36) one dollar & 36/100

On Motion of the Secy & Treasurers account was received and confirmed

On Motion resolved that the Overseers deal with Margaret Flaherty – a pauper at their own discretion

This vote was introduced to settle a question that was raised as to whether Margaret Flaherty (being a lunatic) should be sent to the Asylum as some persons considered her at times dangerous – and in any case more properly chargeable to the County.

The Overseers were also advised to make the best bargains they could re Miller and

Resolved that the Township be assessed ($200.00) Two hundred dollars for the ensueing year.

JR [Creed? Freed?]
Clerk & Treas

Canso Jul 4 1890

Made out new Rate Roll (poor) for 1890 and handed it to Asa Nickerson collector this 4th Jul 1890

Total assessable value for real
Estate, personal property & income 126488.00

Amount of Poor Rate on roll 236.88
Poll tax 17 c pr Capita
Rate per cent on 126.488.00 14c pr $100.00

JR [Creed? Freed?]
Clerk Treas
Overseers of Poor

[in pencil:] see also back of book

[There follows 2 pages of accounts, listing items such as shovels, old mainsails and such like, with the names of – presumably – purchasers of said items, and the price paid. These 2 pages are not dated. Because the names were struck out or overwritten as they paid for their items, many of the names are difficult to read. Some are initials only. The discernable names are:]

AN Whitman
N [F?] Bigelow
Capt Hutcheson [Rubin?] [Hunt? Hurst?]
Thos [Hearn?]
Capt Bigelow
[Dan? Dav?] [Heinin? Hearn?]
R Hart
Wm Fanning
R [Dort? Hart?]
R Donovan
J Langley
C Gruber
W Walsh.

[There follows a list of “Hull Materials & c” from the Schooner “Girls”, 1845. The names mentioned as buying items from the wreck are:]

[Raymond?] [Donako?]
AN Whitman
Thos Forster
G Norris
[N W?] Bigelow
N or W Tunny or Lunny
J Hart or Hearst?
[P?] Matthews
J Walsh

[There follows a list that covers;]

sales of part of the cargo of the wrecked sch [“Colinwood”?] sold at public auction at Canso on the 20th Oct 1848 to defray certain expences incurred in said [?] and [cargo?] and for the benefit of all concerned.
Terms Cash

[names mentioned:]
R Hart
W I Bigelow
M Phelan
T Hart
AN Whitman

Canso 25 July 1840
[Memo?] of sale of Brig Harriet [Burthen?] 250 Tons belonging to North Shield, wrecked at White Point, Terms of Sale – Cash on delivery

[names mentioned on the list of purchasers:]
[Jairus?] Hart
F Cook
Donald Mcdonald
Thos Malone
J or T Welsh
Cpt McNeil
Cpt Smith
Abn Ehler
[JW?] [Dunakov? Dunckon?]
G Norris
ANW [presumably AN Whitman]
W. Friffes or McGriffs
R McNeil

Memorandum of Sales of the Brigantine Gupsum, [presumably Gypsum –transcriber], Moses H Pike, Master, Stranded at Big Dover, Burthen 136 Tons, as she now lies with all her materials.
Canso October 9th 1849
Terms Cash when [Knocked?] down

[names mentioned:]
Francis Duquette
John McKenzie
[Jairus? James?] Hart
G Norris Esq Auctioneer
Jairus Hart Acting Clerk

[There follows a page headed with the words:]
[Memo?] of sales of Barque “Northumberland” of Galway
Burthen 377 tons – wrecked at White Point. Terms of sale cash on delivery –

[nothing more appears on this page]

[The following page concerns the sale of items :]

of The Schr [Masin? Marin?] of Quebec

[names mentioned:]

Capt [Loquot? Laquot? Laycock?]
David Ehron
Capt [Mapn? Massn?]
Thomas Welsh
Capt [Reddy? Keddy?]
Nancy Phalin
A N Whitman
Capt [Doquet? Doqucet?]
Capt [Hopkins?]

[here ends the township book]