Wed. Feb 19th, 2025


The books are available by contacting me through the website by email. 

Frederick "The Bear Killer"

8.5 x 11 inches, spiral bound. 78 pages of text augmented with 37 pages of photos, maps, documents, plus 2 appendices: [a] a 1753 description of Carolina; [b] why and how Theodoras Sr. and his countrymen left Germany for the New World. The book is fully indexed, footnoted, with Bibliography. There is also a compact listing of the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of Frederick and Isabella.

This book contains my research on Frederick Feltmate, his siblings, and his father Theodoras, carried out in Ottawa, Toronto, Nova Scotia, and South Carolina, and includes information shared by descendants of Frederick’s elder brother Theodoras Jr. and Frederick’s daughter Elizabeth. It covers Theodoras Sr’s life in North and South Carolina, the family’s farm, mill and life in South Carolina, Frederick’s activities throughout the American Revolutionary War, his life afterwards in Nova Scotia, and the lives of his two children John F. and Elizabeth.


$25 CAD plus postage.

Our Year on Three-Top

8.5 x 11 inches, spiral bound. 50 pages, illustrated, plus index.

This book was written by my Aunt Marion remembering the year she and my father and their parents kept Three-Top Light in White Head Harbour. She was 12 at the time and she wrote this entertaining memoir for my sister and me in the 1970s. I have added a 4-page introduction, and have augmented her text with family photos and items from her scrapbook and school scribbler.


$25 CAD plus postage.

Sidney Jasper Grover

8.5 x 11 inches, spiral bound. 50 pages of text and photos, plus an appendix of Fenian Raid Volunteer Bounty Act applications for Sidney and Thomas Grover.

This book is a genealogy of the descendants of my great grandfather Sidney Jasper Grover and includes background and stories of his two wives and his several children (including my grandmother, Margaret Ardelhia [Grover] Feltmate) and step-children. All sources are cited.


$25 CAD plus postage.

Thomas W. Duncan

8.5 x 11 inches, spiral bound. 66 pages of text and photos, plus a 13 page name index. All sources footnoted.

This book is currently out of print but if there is enough interest in it, I a willing to do a print run. Thomas W. Duncan was my great great grandfather. The 1st 20 pages of the book discusses Thomas’s grandfather Daniel and great grandfather John C. Duncan. Then the story of Thomas’s parents and their coming to Shelburne County, NS. Then a look at Thomas’s siblings. The remaining 46 pages of the book provides background and descendants of Thomas, his two wives and his 14 children. Thomas and his 2nd wife migrated to White Head, Guysborough County in 1868 with 9 children including newborn twins.


$25 CAD plus postage.

White Head Harbour

8.5 x 11 inches, spiral bound. 217 pages which includes 70 pages of photos and 17 pages of indexes (names, places, subjects and ships).

This book is a labour of love and covers the history of this corner of Nova Scotia’s Eastern Shore from about the year 1600 to the 1980s. White Head’s exceptionally large and deep harbour has been the site of smuggling, British naval offensives, gales, ghosts, buried treasure, shipwrecks, and a top-secret World War II base. After years of research on my own White Head families, I realized I had also gathered a great many stories on other aspects of life at the Harbour. Since 2011, more stories have come my way, so I am working on a sequel titled (appropriately) “More Stories From White Head”. Stay tuned!


$30 CAD plus postage.

William Frederick Feltmate

8.5 x 11 inches, spiral bound. 82 pages including a full Feltmate name index and “other surnames” index. Fully footnoted with information sources. Some illustrations.

This book is a genealogy of the descendants of my great-great grandfather William Frederick Feltmate who was a grandson of Frederick “The Bear Killer” Feltmate. William lived “up the river” at White Head Harbour. His father John F. Feltmate lived nearby and in his final years lived with William. The book contains background and stories on William and his 8 children, and their many descendants. Illustrations include 2 Feltmate Fenian Raid applications, some news clippings, two maps, and some pictures including photos of William’s parents, John F and Elizabeth [Dieckhoff] Feltmate


$25 CAD plus postage.