Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

Two Score – And More

Two Score - And More: A Musical Recollection 1890-1930

My love of history and Howard Cable’s love for musical curiosities came together in this cabaret theatre piece, written for a summer run in Niagara-on-the-Lake in 1975.

The research and writing for this was so much fun, finding weird and wonderful vintage songs.  The great Jack Creley agreed to direct and choreograph, and I was quite star-struck, having seen him so often on TV and at the Stratford and Shaw Festivals.

Two Score-And More went on to play that winter in downtown Toronto at the famed Theatre In The Dell, then off to Stratford and Banff. In Summer ’77 it played The Piggery in North Hatley, QC, did an Ontario tour in ’78 and a Canadian tour in ’79.  From ’79 through ’82 it continued in various other productions. Here are some photos!


The cast of the original run at the Buttery in Niagara-on-the-Lake: Marie Baron, Grant Cowan, Kay Switzer, Barry Van Elen. They were all triple-threaters - they could sing, dance and act, and were by turns very funny and very moving.


Judy Peyton Ward of the Stratford Festival (and many other credits) was the costume designer and the results were beautiful, strong, and practical. She captured each era and mood perfectly. These red concoctions and the men's tails illustrated the 1890's and Victorian opulence.


You can see that it was non-stop music from beginning to end! I particularly enjoyed researching Canada's WWI entertainment troupe The Dumbells, the most popular vaudeville act Canada ever produced. Today, having recently moved to Orillia, ON, I was delighted to see at the city library a full display about The Dumbells; three Plunkett brothers anchored the troupe and were born and raised in Orillia.


This page of press quotes is looking a little the worse for wear, having kicked around in my files for over 40 years! It was part of our press package. We did receive some very nice notices.


Here's the original cast in the Music Hall/Vaudeville/Dance Craze segment.


Grant Cowan brought a winsome earnestness to his roles, a knack he had honed playing Snoopy in "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown" on Broadway and across North America. Here he is singing "Daisy Bell" - you know it: "Give me your answer, do; I'm half crazy all for the love of you; It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage, but you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two!"


Kay Switzer in the role of The Lady Bicyclist - she who wore (horrors!) knickerbockers! Yes, this was an actual song of the era: "She's put her petticoats up the spout, And now she has to go without. She hopes her mother won't find out, And hopes they won't be missed! Oh my! Hi! Hi! Keep your eye on the lady bi... The lady bicyclist!"
